Room 1: The first room starts off with you meeting the first sprite who then informs you that you have traveled back to the year 1969 and in order to get back to the year 2019, you must pass through a series of mazes. Each maze has a different difficulty level that also represent a different decade in time. After each maze is completed you get closer and closer back to the year 2019.  

Room 2: Room 2 is is the first maze you have to pass through. This maze represents the year 1969.  In order advance onward however, you must collect a key that will allow you to advance to the next decade. 

Room 3: Room 3 you have to navigate your way through 1979, collect the key, then advance to the next decade. 

Room 4: In room 4 you have to navigate your way through 1989, collect the key, then advance to the next decade. 

Room 5: Room 5 represents 1999. It's basically the same deal. Navigate your way through the maze, collect the key, then advance to the next decade. 

Room 6: Room 6 is the last maze you have to complete before being able to get back to the year 2019. It is also very important that you collect the key on this level. Room 6 represents 2009. 

Room 7: Once you've made it to room 7, you have officially made it back to 2019.    

Made withbitsy

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